Feeda API


Feeda is an AI utility and development platform built to harness the power of LLMs (Large Language Models) and prompt engineering across a multitude of mobile apps, web applications and services.

The Feeda ecosystem stands as an Artificial Intelligence(AI) foundation layer development platform, offering a APIs, SDKs, and management system platforms that harness the power of AI and advanced content management systems. Feeda serves businesses, developers, and end-users and has crafted a comprehensive environment that supports both the development and deployment of cutting-edge AI technologies.

Integrating AI into various facets of the digital experience, the Feeda ecosystem provides a comprehensive suite of tools and platforms aimed at enhancing productivity, communication, and user engagement.

A toolset designed for the seamless management of data, including integration with third-party data sources through APIs, ensuring secure and efficient access to a broad spectrum of information.

Feeda's robust API infrastructure is a cornerstone of its ecosystem aimed;

To enrich client-facing applications with AI capabilities, enhancing user experience through seamless integration of Feeda's functionalities.

Tailored for backend integrations, this API allows businesses to connect their internal systems with Feeda, enhancing operational efficiency and unlocking new AI-driven insights.

APIs & SDK for GPTS and AIAs

With its Software Development Kits (SDKs) and APIs, Feeda empowers developers to create applications that leverage Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) and AI Agents (AIAs), providing:


Tools for developing applications with sophisticated natural language processing, from content generation to conversational AI.


The means to build intelligent AI agents capable of performing a wide array of tasks, offering recommendations, and acting as personal assistants.

APP Access Key

You can create an APP ACCESS key as follows:

1. First, log in to your account on feeda.com. After that, navigate to your my account page. Press the button labeled "API Access key" on your account page.

2. After pressing the "API Access key" button, you will be taken to a page where you can generate your API key. Your API key has been generated successfully.


The Feeda Prompts API offers developers a versatile tool to get dynamicn interactive and engaging prompts for searches. These prompts are pre-set or pre-added by the feeda platfrom for individual vertical or domain. These prompts ensures best curated knowledged based responses while in use.

Feeda - Prompts

The Get Search Prompts API is used to retrieve all search prompts from Feeda. It returns an array of search prompts.

Agents/Gpts - Prompts

The Get Search Prompts API retrieves search prompts for Feeda agents or GPTs starting with "phil." from Feeda. To use this API, you need to provide the name of the agent as part of the request, such as "phil.feeda".


Feeda Search positions itself as a revolutionary search engine, akin to Google, but with a focus on leveraging AI to enhance the search experience. It integrates advanced NLP (Natural Language Processing) capabilities, similar to those seen in platforms like Perplexity and You.com, to understand and process prompt-based searches and open-text queries with remarkable accuracy and depth.

Searchat is Feeda's response to the evolving demand for more interactive, conversational AI experiences. It reimagines how users engage with search engines by combining the utility of search with the natural flow of chat, creating a chatbot-like experience that is both intelligent and user-friendly.

Knowldege Base Response

The Knowledge Base API retrieves an HTML-formatted response from Feeda's proprietary natural language response model based on the provided search string. If the query does not match any responses in our language model, the API returns 0.

OpenAI Response

The API retrieves a response from the OpenAI model based on the provided parameters. It offers more relevant answers along with related questions and reference links. Upon a successful request, the API returns the response in HTML format as part of a choices message. This API is powered by the OpenAI API.

Ferdy (Feeda AI Co-Pilot)

Ferdy is the AI-powered copilot of the Feeda platform, akin to Siri in the Apple ecosystem. It acts as a personal assistant, assisting users in navigating the internet more efficiently. It suggests content, helps manage tabs and bookmarks, and provides real-time assistance, making web browsing a more personalized and streamlined experience.

Key Features:

Personalized Browsing Assistance: Offers recommendations and navigational help based on user behavior and preferences.

Real-Time Support: Answers questions and provides solutions on-the-go, enhancing user interaction with web content.

Ferdy Smart App Search

The Ferdy Smart App Search API retrieves responses based on the provided search string. It returns a JSON object containing the answer and an array of related applications.

AIA Calls - GPTs and Agents

AIA Calls - GPTs and Agents: This section provides access to all individual APIs of FEEDA's GPTs and agents. Here, developers can retrieve responses for GPT search query and search prompts.

Featured GPTs & Agents:

Featured GPTs & Agents with its base URL:

Brands GPTs

Persona GPTs

GPTS & Agent Prompts

Using this API, you can retrieve search prompts for each GPT or agent,and the responses are returned in JSON array format. To retrieve prompts for each GPT or agent, you need to use the base URL of the GPT or agent.

GPT or Agent Knowledge Base Response

The Knowledge Base API fetches an HTML-formatted response from Feeda's unique natural language response model, tailored to the provided search query. If the query matches any responses from individual GPTs or agents, the API returns the response; otherwise, it returns 0. To fetch a response from a specific GPT, you need to use the base URL of that GPT.

GPTs or Agent OpenAI Responses

The API retrieves a response from an individual GPT or agent, utilizing its base URL, based on the provided parameters. It offers more relevant answers along with related questions and reference links. Upon a successful request, the API returns the response in HTML format as part of a choices message. This API is powered by the OpenAI API.